Anyone have any ideas on this?
Hi Amos,
I spoke to soon. I have this (maybe more informative than the original
error though).
2014/07/31 11:57:45 kid1| assertion failed: String.cc:201: "len_ + len
< 65536"
2014/07/31 11:58:07 kid1| Starting Squid Cache version
3.3.12-20140309-r12678 for x86_64-pc-linux-gnu...
2014/07/31 11:58:07 kid1| Process ID 14375
2014/07/31 11:58:07 kid1| Process Roles: worker
2014/07/31 11:58:07 kid1| With 65535 file descriptors available
This is on 3.3. 12 again. I have set up 3.4.x to remove NTLM auth (in
fact all auth) but we are going to try to give our users a break for a
couple of months until we throw this at them in an attempt to get to
the bottom of the high CPU usage on 3.4.