There was someone in the past that asked about this ntlm helper issue.
I would try in a way to use only squid to make sure what is going on at
the same time.
If you do have a number of Requests Per Second rate it will help to
understand the basic issue.
There is a complexity issue when for example a proxy was hit by 400
requests in one sec and authentication is being used.
There is also the basic issue that when authentication is being done on
a network and the network is not fast enough or it has too much latency,
the process will grow and grow over time.
100% cpu usage can be discovered sometimes but in a case the cache-mgr
is not responsive the only tools available are:
And there are couple other nice tools which can verify the basic
assumption that this network might need more then it have or need.
On 06/01/14 11:53, Rietzler, Markus (RZF, SG 324 / <RIETZLER_SOFTWARE>)
i want to join this discussion.
we are using squid 3.4.2 also with ntlm_auth and winbind. only difference is that we don't use wbinfo_group. we just "need" or "use" the username. we also have the problem, that after a few minutes squid uses 100% cpu and is getting very slow. in the cache-log I can see "increase ntmm-helper" as the max number is used. I also can see in the cache manager menu output (ntlmauthenticator) that all the configured helper are "busy".
any idea about the 100% cpu usage?