Thanks for that. This is odd because I compiled .debs myself from the
source using the debian folder from an older version of squid as a
template. I'm pretty sure I cleaned out the debian/patches folder and
removed the lines in the rules file before building, but I will check this.
On 15/05/14 08:06, Amos Jeffries wrote:
On 15/05/2014 7:37 a.m., Alex Crow wrote:
Is this any good at all or do I need ro provide more? It seems a trivial
issue to restart a browser but the bigwigs are climbing all over me now!
On 12/05/14 16:22, Alex Crow wrote:
Hi Amos,
New backtrace - I hope this helps!
#3 0x00000000005279d1 in CbcPointer<ConnStateData>::operator->
(this=<value optimized out>) at base/CbcPointer.h:147
c = <value optimized out>
#4 0x000000000057238e in FwdState::initiateSSL (this=0x80f14ba8) at
hostname = 0x80e6d7e8 "secure.flashtalking.com"
isConnectRequest = <value optimized out>
peer = <value optimized out>
fd = 812
__FUNCTION__ = "initiateSSL"
peeked_cert = <value optimized out>
ssl = 0x940e87e0
sslContext = <value optimized out>
#5 0x00000000005725e3 in FwdState::connectDone (this=0x80f14ba8,
conn=..., status=<value optimized out>, xerrno=0) at forward.cc:895
__FUNCTION__ = "connectDone"
Bit of a strange trace there.
It is in forward.cc which does not exist in any 3.3 or later release of
Squid. Correlating to your info about it being 3.2.11.
But is using variables isConnectRequest and peeked_cert which only exist
in the 3.HEAD releases of Squid. So your Squid is patched in the area of
code crashing. Time to direct this bug at the vendor who backported that
patch for you.