Hey dr,
On 11/12/13 10:24, Dr.x wrote:
and again , here , im asking Amos about SMP>>>>>
can we after using SMP to get more BW saving ?? assume we fixed all other
parameters of squid and want to make comparison .
I am not sure I understand your question.
assume i have server without smp and save about 40 MBps
can i reach this value after SMP ???
From the question My only conclusion is that the complexity of SMP was
not understood yet.
Squid is a single process application.
In 3.2 what we try to do is to let the admin configure a cache service
using the basic single process idea while extending the configuration to
allow pre-defining of multi process squid service.
Each and every squid instance can and should communicate with other
instances in order to achieve the result which is MutliCPU utilization.
I would try to say that looking at squid instances is more like "how do
I configure a cluster of squids?"
Once the understanding of how a cluster should be configured the answer
to your question will be answered in a sec.
All the bests,