On 17/03/2012 12:34 a.m., awarecons wrote:
acl rutube dstdomain .rutube.ru .vk.com .vkontakte.ru
acl rutube_streams rep_header Content-Type -i application/x-shockwave-flash
http_reply_access deny rutube rutube_streams
acl rutube_Files url_regex -i \player.swf$
http_access deny rutube rutube_Files
But there is still question - how cut off .iflv instead of cutting player.swf?
step 1) Use urlpath_regex instead of url_regex.
step 2) Start it with "^" to anchor it to the path beginning.
step 3) Add proper escaping on the URL dot. Making it "\."
step 4) Remove the "$" end-anchor which is saying only catch the request
when there is *no* query string.
step 5) find a basic how-to on regex patterns and start reading.