On 10/11/10 05:03, Jordi Espasa Clofent wrote:
I have to design and implement a proxy in a complex production
environment; I used Squid some time ago (3 years), so I'm thinking in
using it again. First of all I need to know:
Let's suppose that the squid box has 3 NICs. 2 external connected to
both Internet DSLs and 1 internal which recieves the proxy clients.
// ¿Can I chosse to use one or another external NIC (different DSL)
according to Squid rules about protocols? I mean, for example:
- all the clients who use http, DSL_1
- all the clients who use ftp, DSL_2
// Even ¿Can I choose to use one or another external NIC (different DSL)
according Squid rules about users auth? I mean, for example
- users A,B and C use DSL_1
- users D,E and F, use DSL_2
Routing of packets is the business of the OS not Squid.
You can use Squid ACLs to determine the outgoing IP address, TOS value
or (on Linux) Netfilter MARK sent by Squid.
Additional configuration of the operating system has to be done to use
those details to actually route the traffic out the appropriate NIC.
// In direct relation with the previous question ¿Can Squid validate
users against Win$$ Active Directory?
Yes. Squid bundles several auth helpers for various AD interface methods
and auth protocols. There are third-party helpers as well from Samba.
Please be using
Current Stable Squid 2.7.STABLE9 or 3.1.9
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