Sorry for bugging the list with this. I looked briefly in the documentation at the site, but before I look some more, I'd like to know if it's at all possible... I want to save a streamed flash-video. Sadly the programs I usually use, doesn't work for this particular site; so I'd like to "kidnap" the stream while I'm watching it. Is that something that could be accomplished with Squid? If so, how? And how can I save the cache-content (that particular file) as an ordinary file? Thanks in advance. -- Baard Ove KOPPERUD | baard.kopperud@xxxxxxxxx ICQ: 2436 7492 | Y!M: bokopperud -- Baard Ove KOPPERUD | baard.kopperud@xxxxxxxxx ICQ: 2436 7492 | Y!M: bokopperud