Hi, I am trying to setup a local squid cache on my laptop so that I can browse intranet pages when I am on a plane and don't have network connection. I am therefore using the squid offline_toggle option via the 'squid3client mgr:offline_toggle' command. However, I am finding that pages are not being cached when I have my Office proxy set as a parent to my local one. I am running ubuntu hardy with squid 3 STABLE.1 ubuntu package on my local machine, with a parent proxy set using the following lines in my squid.conf: cache_peer proxy.nectech.co.uk parent 8080 0 no-query prefer_direct off PS: The above two lines came from Squid wiki here: http://wiki.squid-cache.org/SquidFaq/ConfiguringSquid#head- c050a0a0382c01fbfb9da7e9c18d58bafd4eb027 My approach to test this is as follows: 1 Set firefox to my localhost:3128 proxy 2 Start squid in online mode and browse to a website. 3 Close firefox 4 Set local squid into offline mode using 'squid3client mgr:offline_toggle' 5 Pull out the Network cable (to simulate being on a plane) 6 Reopen firefox and browse to same site as in step 2. After step six, the page does not load and eventually times out. If i take out the parent cache lines, the offline mode will work. Please can anyone help? Regards londoner1 -- Free information on becoming a Photographer. Click Now! http://tagline.hushmail.com/fc/BLSrjkqkVvxMG0llIxs8cGJ8baHgJVDLNNIN8iQUXrQJDlMDqUNFDS1zwOk/