> A packet trace on the outbound side of squid. > The more interesting thing would be a packet trace of the whole squid-server > communication and see as I suggested, whether that 304 contains a body object or > not. > > Run this on the squid box: > tcpdump -w $SERVERIP.trace -i $IFACE host $SERVERIP > where: > SERVERIP is the IP of the remote server. > IFACE is the internet-facing interface on the squid box. > > And while its capturing, run your simple reload test. > > The file $SERVERIP.trace can be browsed with ethereal/tethereal/wireshark to > view the traffic. Hum... my bad. I turned on headers logging in the web server and squid does not re-fetch the files... I took squid's status code response to the client for the webserver's response to squid... But, at the same time, I found these headers from squid in the web server logs: Pragma: no-cache Via: 1.1 test.here:80 (squid) X-Forwarded-For: Cache-Control: no-cache, max-age=31536000 So I am still a bit confused... ^_^ Thx, JD