> 1. I want to block porn. You can block sites with acl's using url_regex, urlpath_regex, dstdom_regex or dstdomain with http_access rules. To block the sites and urls with porn name then, acl portdom dstdom_regex porn acl portrex urlpath_regex porn http_access deny portdom http_access deny portrex > 2. I want my custom failure page to pop up, when > someone goes to a blocked > page. You can use deny_info TAG in squid.conf file. You can customize error page by editing pages in errors/ directory. Best Regards, Squid Runner Team SquidRunner - An Automatic Squid Builder Web: http://freshmeat.net/projects/squidrunner/ Mail: squidrunner_dev at yahoo dot com __________________________________ Yahoo! Mail Mobile Take Yahoo! Mail with you! Check email on your mobile phone. http://mobile.yahoo.com/learn/mail