On 12/02/25 19:56, Doug Lee wrote:
st^H^Hborrowing from my effect set for direct use in SoX is fine by me
Fab stuff. I'll be happy to incorporate them into SoX
please pardon the complete lack of styling
HTML 2.0 is my favourite. It works everywhere.
I am blind
I'd never have guessed from the readouts (with which I am almost
completely d'accordo on every point).
It's obviously not that much of a disability for you.
Eric Wong has educated me into the importance of making things
I now have an extra criterion for accessibility, for which thanks.
Do the flow diagrams work for you, such as the following (and sorry if
this sounds like garply!)
and is there a better alternative way to express the same meaning?
$ sox_ng --help-effect echo echo gain-in gain-out <delay decay> ___
In--+------------------------>| | | _________ * gain-in | | | | | | |
+-->| delay 1 |---------->| | | |_________| * decay 1 | | | _________ |
+ |------------>Out | | | | | * gain-out +-->| delay 2 |---------->| | |
|_________| * decay 2 | | : _________ | | | | | | | +-->| delay n
|---------->|___| |_________| * decay n RANGE DESCRIPTION gain-in
-inf-inf Proportion of input signal delivered clean to adder gain-out
-inf-inf Final volume adjustment delay 0-inf Delay in milliseconds decay
-inf-inf Proportion of delayed signal delivered to adder
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