Re: Has anyone ever used `echos` or `chorus`?

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On Fri, Feb 07, 2025 at 04:48:53PM +0100, SoX NG wrote:
> Unfortunately there was a deprecation/removal frenzy some time
> before 14.4.2 so it's a bit late now, but I would avoid another one.

That may be when I found myself defending "stretch" for its ability to let me skim vast quantities of audio
at very high speeds (20x - 50x normal) with enough remaining signal for me to detect number and nature of
speakers, types of background sound, etc... at a time when someone was just about to toss out "stretch"
because "tempo" has cleaner results at relatively low variations from 1::1.

I am forever grateful to the SoX devs for keeping the "stretch" effect.

As for "filter", vs "sinc": I think "sinc" was meant to replace "filter," but there is a long SoX sample
command line under "mcompand" in the man page that uses "filter" and is thus no longer directly usable. I
found that long command useful enough to add, in a SoX wrapper I call Audir, an "fm" pseudo effect that
tries to implement it. (I actually have "fmr" and "fmb" pseudo effects, for radio and broadcast signal
variants from that page).

Doug Lee                 dgl@xxxxxxxx      
"It is not the mountain in the distance which makes you want to stop
walking; but the grain of sand in your shoe."  --Anon

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