Re: [Sipping] New Version Notification for draft-ietf-sipping-sip-offeranswer-12

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Hi Paul,

Additional descriptions in line.


>4.1.  Message Crossing Case Handling
>   When message packets cross in the transport network, an offer may be
>   received before the answer for the previous offer/answer exchange, as
>   shown in Figure 3.  In such a case, UA A must detect that the session
>   description SDP-2 is not the answer to offer1.
>         A                  B
>         |SDP-1     (offer1)|
>      M1 |----------------->|
>         |SDP-2    (answer1)|
>      M2 |<------\  /-------|
>         |        \/        |
>         |SDP-3   /\(offer2)|
>      M3 |<------/  \-------|
>                      Figure 3 Message Crossing Case
>   Because of the restrictions on placement of offers and answers
>   (summarized in Table 1) there are a limited number of valid exchanges
>   of messages that may lead to this message crossing case.  These are
>   enumerated in Table 3.  (This table only shows messages containing
>   offers or answers.  There could be other messages, without session
>   descriptions, which are not shown.)
>   There are variants, shown in Figures 4a and 4b, which are dependent
>   on an INVITE (Mx) that contains no offer.  These are also included in
>   Table 3.
>         A                               B
>         |                               |
>         |SDP-1              offer1(UPD) |
>      M1 |==============================>|
>         |re-INV              (no offer) |
>      Mx |------------------------------>| --+
>         |SDP-2         answer1 (2xx-UPD)|   |
>      M2 |<===========\  /===============|   | first reliable
>         |             \/          offer2|   | response
>         |SDP-3        /\   (1xx-rel/2xx)|   |
>      M3 |<===========/  \===============| <-+
>         |SDP-4       answer2 (PRACK/ACK)|
>      My |------------------------------>|
>         |                               |
>                Figure 4a Avoidable message crossing cases
   To avoid this glare condition as shown in Figure 4a, When an UA A
   has already sent an UPDATE request with an offer, the UA should not
   send a reINVITE even without an offer unless the UPDATE transaction
   is completed. When an UA B has received an UPDATE request with an
   offer, the UA should reject a reINVITE even without an offer by a 491
   response unless the UPDATE transaction is completed.
>         A                               B
>         |                               |
>         |re-INV              (no offer) |
>      Mx |------------------------------>| --+
>         |SDP-1              offer1(UPD) |   |
>      M1 |==============================>|   |
>         |SDP-2         answer1 (2xx-UPD)|   |
>      M2 |<===========\  /===============|   | first reliable
>         |             \/          offer2|   | response
>         |SDP-3        /\   (1xx-rel/2xx)|   |
>      M3 |<===========/  \===============| <-+
>         |SDP-4       answer2 (PRACK/ACK)|
>      My |------------------------------>|
>         |                               |
>                Figure 4b Avoidable message crossing cases
   To avoid this glare condition as shown in Figure 4b, When an UA A
   has already sent a reINVITE without an offer, the UA should not
   send an UPDATE request with an offer unless a PRACK transaction is
   completed, or the UA sends an ACK request. When an UA B has received
   a reINVITE without an offer, the UA should reject an UPDATE request
   with an offer by a 491 response unless a PRACK transaction is
   completed, or the UA receives an ACK request.
>   According to RFC3311/5.1, after sending a PRACK request, UA B can send
>   the UPDATE request(M2) with new offer, as shown in Figure 4c. To
>   avoid this glare condition, UA B should not send the UPDATE request
>   unless it has received a 2xx response to the PRACK request.
>                    A                               B
>                    |                               |
>                    |              re-INV (no offer)|
>                +-- |<------------------------------|
>  1st reliable  |   |                               |
>  response      | M1| 1xx-rel (offer1)              |
>                +-> |==============================>| --+
>                    |                               |   | Acknowledge
>                    |                   answer1(PRA)| M3|
>                    |<===========\  /===============| <-+
>                    |             \/                |
>                    |             /\     offer2(UPD)|
>                    |<===========/  \===============| M2
>                    |                               |
>                    | 491 (UPD)                     |
>                    |------------------------------>|
>                    |                               |
>                    |2xx-PRA                        |
>                    |------------------------------>|
>                    |                               |
>                Fig. 4c Avoidable message crossing cases
>   According to RFC3311/5.1, before the completion of initial INVITE
>   transaction, UA B cannot send the UPDATE request(M2) with new offer,
>   as shown in Figure 4d. But if this INVITE request is a reINVITE,
>   B can send it. To avoid this glare condition, UA B should not send
>   the UPDATE request unless it has received a PRACK request.
>                A                               B
>                |                               |
>                |re-INV (offer1)                |
>             M1 |==============================>|
>                |                       answer1 |
>                |                      (1xx-rel)|
>                |<===========\  /===============| M3
>                |             \/                |
>                |             /\     offer1(UPD)|
>            +-- |<===========/  \===============| M2
>            |   |                               |
>            |   |491 (UPD)                      |
>Acknowledge |   |------------------------------>|
>            |   |                               |
>            |   |PRACK                          |
>            +-> |------------------------------>|
>                |                               |
>                Fig. 4d Avoidable message crossing cases
>   According to RFC3311/5.1, before the completion of initial INVITE
>   transaction, UA B cannot send the UPDATE request(M2) with new offer,
>   as shown in Figure 4e. But if this INVITE request is a reINVITE,
>   B can send it. To avoid this glare condition, UA B should not send
>   the UPDATE request unless it has received an ACK request.
>                A                               B
>                |                               |
>                |re-INV (offer1)                |
>                |==============================>|
>                |                       answer1 |
>                |                          (2xx)|
>                |<===========\  /===============|
>                |             \/                |
>                |             /\     offer1(UPD)|
>            +-- |<===========/  \===============|
>            |   |                               |
>            |   |491 (UPD)                      |
>Acknowledge |   |------------------------------>|
>            |   |                               |
>            |   |ACK                            |
>            +-> |------------------------------>|
>                |                               |
>                Fig. 4e Avoidable message crossing cases
>   Table 4 summarize this section.
     | M1     | M3       | M2      | Action | Action |
     |(offer1)|(answer1) |(offer2) |  of A  |  of B  |
     | UPDATE | 2xx-UPD  | UPDATE  |        |        |
     |        |          +---------| (1)    |  -     |
     |        |          | INVITE  |        |        |
     |        |          +---------+--------+--------+
     |        |          | 1xx-INV | (2)    | (4)    |
     |        |          +---------+        |        |
     |        |          | 2xx-INV |        |        |
     | PRACK  | 2xx-PRA  | UPDATE  |        |        |
     +--------+----------+---------+        |        |
     | 2xx-INV| ACK      | UPDATE  | (1)    |  -     |
     |        |          +---------+        |        |
     |        |          | INVITE  |        |        |
     +--------+----------+---------+        +--------+
     | 1xx-rel| PRACK    | UPDATE  |        |        |
     +--------+----------+---------+        |        |
     | INVITE | 1xx-rel  | UPDATE* |        | (3)    |
     |        |----------+---------+        |        |
     |        | 2xx-INV  | UPDATE* |        |        |
     (*:invalid sequences if M1 is an initial INVITE)
>            Table 3. Offer / Answer Crossing Message Sequences
>   (1)  This is indistinguishable from true glare.  UA A should respond
>      to M2 with a 491 response.
>   (2)  This can only occur in situations depicted in figures 4a and 4b.
>      It is easier for UA A to avoid these situations than to recover
>      from them.  The situation in Figure 4a can be avoided by
>      refraining from sending a re-INVITE without offer when an
>      unanswered offer is outstanding.  The situation in Figure 4b can
>      be avoided by refraining from sending any message containing an
>      offer while an INVITE without offer is outstanding.
>   (3)  UA B should not send an UPDATE unless M3(answer1) has acknowledged
>        by a 2xx response to a PRACK request, a PRACK request or an ACK
>        request.
   (4)  UA B should reject the later request among an UPDATE and a reINVITE.
>   Summarizing, a UA that has an outstanding unanswered offer should:
>   o  refrain from sending a re-INVITE without an offer;
>   o  reject (491) an INVITE or UPDATE containing an offer.
>   and
>   o  a UA that has sent a INVITE without an offer should not send
>      UPDATE, before the completion of offer/answer exchanges.
>   o  a UA that has received a INVITE without an offer should not
>      send UPDATE, before the completion of offer/answer exchanges.
>   o  When offer/answer exchanges using reliable provisional response,
>      UA should not send UPDATE with offer unless PRACK transaction
>      is completed.
>4.2.  Glare Case Handling
>   When both ends in a dialog send a new offer at nearly the same time,
>   as described in Figure 5, a UA may receive a new offer before it
>   receives the answer to the offer it sent.  This case is usually
>   called a 'glare' case.
>      A                  B
>      |offer1      offer2|
>   M1 |-------\  /-------| M2
>      |        \/        |
>      |        /\        |
>      |<------/  \------>|
>                            Figure 5 Glare Case
>   When offer2 is in an UPDATE request or (re-)INVITE request, it must
>   be rejected with a 491 response.
>   When offer2 is in a PRACK request (within the current rules, only
>   possible if offer1 is in an UPDATE request), 
>   According to RFC3311/5.1, before the completion of initial INVITE
>   transaction, UA A cannot send the UPDATE request(M1) with new offer,
>   as shown in Figure 6a. But if this INVITE request is a reINVITE, UA
>   A can send it. Naturally UA B reject the UPDATE by 491.
>                A                               B
>                |                               |
>                |                re-INV (offer0)|
>                |<------------------------------|
>                |                               |
>                | 1xx-rel (answer0)             |
>                |------------------------------>| --+
>                |                               |   | Acknowledge
>                | offer1(UPD)        offer2(PRA)| M2|
>             M1 |============\  /===============| <-+
>                |             \/                |
>                |             /\                |
>                |<===========/  \==============>|
>                |                               |
>                |                      491 (UPD)|
>                |<------------------------------|
>                |                               |
>                Fig. 6a Avoidable message crossing cases
>   UA A has a dilemma: all
>   PRACKs are supposed to be accepted with 200 response, yet there is no
>   way to indicate the problem with a 200 response.  At best it could
>   proceed on the assumption that its INVITE will be rejected with a
>   491.  To avoid this glare condition, UA A should not send an offer if
>   it has already sent a reliable provisional response containing an
>   answer to a previous offer and has not received the corresponding
>   PRACK request.
>   Glare can also occur when offer2 is in a 1xx or 2xx response.
>   This is a variant of 4b, as shown in Figure 6b.
>                A                               B
>                |                               |
>                |re-INV (no offer)              |
>                |------------------------------>| --+
>                |                        offer2 |   | 1st reliable
>                |offer1(UPD)       (1xx-rel/2xx)| M2| response
>             M1 |============\  /===============| <-+
>                |             \/                |
>                |             /\                |
>                |<===========/  \==============>|
>                |                               |
>                |                      491 (UPD)|
>                |<------------------------------|
>                |                               |
>                Fig. 6b Avoidable message crossing cases
>   To avoid this situation, when UA A has sent a (re)INVITE request without
>   session description, it should not send an offer until it has
>   received an offer in a reliable response to the (re)INVITE, and sent
>   an answer to that offer.
>   There is a variant of 4a, as shown in Figure 6c.
>   To avoid this glare condition, UA A should not send
>   the reINVITE request unless UPDATE transaction is completed.
>                A                               B
>                |                               |
>                |offer1(UPD)                    |
>                |===========\                   |
>                |            \                  |
>                |re-INV       \                 |
>                |--------------\--------------->| --+
>                |(no offer)     \        offer2 |   |1st reliable
>                |                \ (1xx-rel/2xx)|   | response
>                |<================\=============| <-+
>                |                  \            |
>                |                   \           |
>                |                    \=========>|
>                |                               |
>                |                      491 (UPD)|
>                |<------------------------------|
>                |                               |
>                Fig. 6c Avoidable message crossing cases
>   Table 4 summarize this section.
>    | offer1   | offer2   | Action | Action |
>    |  M1      |  M2      |  of A  |  of B  |
>    +----------+----------+--------+--------+
>    |          | reINVITE |        |        |
>    | reINVITE +----------+        |        |
>    |          | UPDATE   | (1)    |        |
>    +----------+----------+        |        |
>    |          | UPDATE   |        |        |
>    |          +----------+--------+   (1)  |
>    |          | 1xx-rel  |        |        |
>    | UPDATE   +----------+ (2)/(3)|        |
>    |          | 2xx-INV  |        |        |
>    +          +----------+--------+        |
>    |          | PRACK  * | (3)    |        |
>    +----------+----------+--------+--------+
>     (*:invalid sequence if INVITE request is an initial one)
>            Table 4. Glare Message Sequences
>    (1) 491 response for the offer
>    (2) UA should not send reINVITE without an offer unless
>        UPDATE transaction is completed.
>    (3) When offer/answer exchanges using reliable provisional response,
>        UA should not send UPDATE with offer unless PRACK transaction
>        is completed.
>>I have had a lot of difficulty weaving the various suggestions into the 
>>overall document. If you would like to see changes like this, can I ask 
>>a favor of you - could you also please propose the specific text changes 
>>that are necessary to complete the integration into the document?
>>	Thanks,
>>	Paul
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