Hi Senior Members , Good Evening. I am trying to get SELINUX on our custom SDK for which we have added : a) Userland libraries and tools projects from https://github.com/SELinuxProject/selinux b) Refpolicy from https://github.com/SELinuxProject/refpolicy With these added , I can't see binary for applications like semanage & sesearch . Further looking I tried to get the packages mentioned below which provide these binaries. Can members please let me know which stable source code for a) policycoreutils-python ( to get semanage on target ) b) setools-console ( to get seinfo / sesearch on target ) Since I came across these while working for another issue , I thought of creating a new thread just for this to keep it separate . Please do let me know if this is violating any accepted norms of community here , I would align with community rules. Thanks , Ashish