On 01/22/2016 09:07 AM, Stephen Smalley wrote:
On 01/22/2016 09:00 AM, Christopher J. PeBenito wrote:
On 1/21/2016 4:49 PM, Stephen Smalley wrote:
On 01/21/2016 08:14 AM, Christopher J. PeBenito wrote:
On 1/20/2016 4:22 PM, Stephen Smalley wrote:
On 01/20/2016 03:59 PM, Christopher J. PeBenito wrote:
What is the intended behavior for a user's allowed range in the policy
vs. any labels in the policy (e.g. netifcon)? My expectation is that
the allowed range should still apply, but it doesn't seem that
checkpolicy checks that, based on what I've seen. For example, the new
sediff test policies have this user[1]:
user added_user roles system level s1 range s1;
and checkpolicy doesn't error on this[2] later in the policy:
genfscon added_genfs / added_user:object_r:system:s0
I think this should fail compilation since s0 is not in added_user's
allowed range.
Not for objects (object_r), same as with role-type relation.
I don't understand the logic for that. For the role-type relation, all
types are implicitly added to object_r, which makes that behavior make
sense, but the user has an explicitly-stated allowed range.
If that's true, it is only true of setools, not of libsepol or the
kernel binary policy. policydb_context_isvalid() omits the role-type
and user-role relation checks if the role is object_r, and
mls_context_isvalid() does likewise for the user-range relation check.
Apologies for being misled by the long-time setools object_r behavior
(I'll undo that). However, I still disagree with ignoring the
user-range check in the object_r case, because there is an explicit
user-range relationship written in the policy.
It was only intended for subjects, not for objects.
Whether or not a subject can create an object at a level outside its own range
depends on the mls constraints.
So CIL does not treat object_r as special (except when creating the binary
policy), so that genfscon statement would cause an error in CIL. Subject and
object contexts are not treated differently by CIL, but that can be changed if
needed. I hadn't known that there was a difference.
James Carter <jwcart2@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
National Security Agency
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