Re: SMTP vulnerabilities

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On Sat, 1 Dec 2001 13:12:24 -0900
"Dennis Stout" <> implied:

> Here's a question that has to do with mail, speaking of such things! 
How do
> I find out who is sending me all the junk I get?  The email address
> send from never works..  And the message header is all fubar.  I want
> find out where it all comes from and, not do anything illegal or
> but something just to let them know someones figured them out.  Like a
> moderatly long but not so huge ping flood that it denies service. 
> that has a good duration so they can't miss it in the logs, if they
look at
> such things.  Thanks!

I'll provide a better, more detailed help offlist. Suffice it to say,
flooding others should ALWAYS BE a no-no!! Two wrongs don't make a

There are ways to track many of these down. Maybe someday I'll take the
stuff I learned a few years back and make a small howto about it. But
for now, everything requires one-to-one explanation.

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