Building a home network

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Hey everybody,

I'm about to build myself a little home network to fool around with.  I
have 3 computers total which will be running off a cable modem.  One of
them will act as the firewall / router, the other is my Linux box and the
third one is a Windows box.  I will tell you how I was thinking of setting
it up and would appreciate any feedback on any discrepancies and would
also enjoy some suggestions.


Router:          Pentium II 400Mhz, 128M SDRAM, 10gig 7200rpm h.d ...
Linux:            AMD Duron 800Mhz, 512M SDRAM ....
Windows:      AMD Athlon 1Ghz, 512 DDR ...
Hub:             5 port 10 / 100 baseT

(Don't take this as me trying to show off, it just shows that I wont have
any problems with processing power)

I want to install EnGarde Linux as the OS for my router.  I read up on it
and it seems to be a good choice.  I will be running iptables with NAT
support.  I was wondering if I should also install something like Lids or
Bastille.  Also, is it ok to use this box as a server (i.e. webserver, dns, ftp)?

My Linux box is running Slackware 8.0, but I don't have any security
software running on it, should I?  The only ports I have open are ssh,
auth, sunrpc and X11, and will probably need to get the netbios ports open
for Samba.

Talking about Samba, what version of Windows is the best for this type of
networking?  I was thinking either 2000 or XP.  And seeing that, do they
both network fine with Linux?  Or did Microsoft screw with the SMB
protocol for the new XP? ... bastards ;)



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