"Upon further review!" First I was trying to do a non-interactive setup, all from the vm console. So while I was snooping around in the rhsetup script I noticed the mknod command was in the script. So I changed the parm file to do and interactive install. Once I IPLed I did a telnet and ran the rhsetup script. It then created the /dev/dasda and formatted the disks as it should. Now I just have to find out why it is telling me that I have rpm files missing from my RPMSERVER when I am looking at them. Mark - thanks for all the help thus far. Mark D Pace Senior Systems Engineer NCGi (A Mainline Company) 1700 Summit Lake Drive Tallahassee, FL. 32311 mark.pace@ncgicorp.com Office: 850-219-5184 Fax: 850-219-5110 http://www.mainline.com http://www.ncgicorp.com