sorry for my previous post.
I wrongly gave rpm uninstall command.
it is,
rpm -e daemon-1.
now i can able to install and unib=nstall.
So, if I want top create package for java also is it same.
instead of make i need to use ant.
If I want top check dependensies and if I failed in checking the dependencies i want to inform to users.
How can I check dependencies in spec file.
If I want to check is java installed, is gcc installed, is libpcap installed, how can I check.
very thanks to Jason and Dav.
On Fri, Sep 4, 2009 at 2:13 PM, ram s <ramforummail@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hello Jason and Dav,
thanks for your inputs.
I am able to create a binary RPM in my RPMS directory.
I removed %dir from spec file.
If I am installing it using,
rpm -ivh daemon-1.x86_64.rpm,
it installed properly.
But, when I try to uninstall using,
[root@localhost tmp]# rpm -e daemon-1.x86_64.rpm
it shows following error.
error: package example-1-3.x86_64.rpm is not installed
my spec file is,
Summary: This Package install daemon application
Name: example
License: CC-GNU GPL version 2.0
Group: Applications/System
Requires: gcc
This Package install Daemon application
%setup -q
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_tmppath}
install -m755 daemon $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_tmppath}/daemon
%{__rm} -rf %{buildroot}
So, if I want to uninstall, how to modify my spec file.
Also, if want to check my dependencies where can I write that check ( is it in seperate shell file).
Also, shell I put my shell script for dependency check in %prep section like this,
shell I use like this.
for example I need to check java is installed in my java application rpm, can I do it in %prep section.
thank you.
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