Michael Jennings wrote:
On Monday, 07 November 2005, at 22:39:10 (+0100),
Toralf Lund wrote:
Requires: package_a, package_b OR package_c OR package_d
Is it possible? If so - how is the exact syntax?
Like someone else said, this is not possible. I've always wanted it,
too, though. The virtual package mechanism is useful in many cases, but
there are situations where you don't have (or don't want to have) any
control at all over the "provides" info of the base packages and can't
rely on a sensible virtual package setup being there already. Perhaps we
should add an RFE...
This is not strictly correct. Please see the following:
Ah. I didn't know about that. I definitely agree with much of what the
original poster says. I've often been a bit annoyed because of having
problems with the build requirement, only to find that the package
builds anyway if I do --nodeps.
This feature will be in rpm 4.4.3, so this would work:
Requires: package_a
Requires(hint): package_b, package_c, package_d
The technique is not identical to the logical OR, but it does provide
optional dependencies.
Yes. It's not exactly the same thing, but it is something I've also
wanted... I'm wondering what automatic dependency resolvers will do with
this information, though. Will they install the optional packages if
they are found?
- Toralf
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