Kolev, Nik wrote, around 06/22/2005 10:26 AM:
I get an error and a bunch of warnings at the begining of doing an "rpm -i" of a binary rpm that I am building. The error (and warnings) does not cause the install to stop and after it finishes everything seems to be in place and working. The error happens probably in the %pre scriplet, but the temporary file that the scriptlet is extracted to is gone after "rpm -i" returns so I cannot take a peek and am not
If you're building the binary RPM, you know what's in the %pre scriptlet from the .spec file.
However, occasionally, % escaping is needed and what you put in the spec file isn't what RPM executes. You can see what RPM will run with
rpm -qp --scripts my_new_rpm.rpm or after the installation by rpm -q --scripts my_new_rpm
sure what is going on. As far as the warnings go, the user that rpm reports missing is the user that built the binary rpm and does not (and should not need to) exist on the target. Anybody with ideas on what I am doing wrong?
You're not assigning the proper ownership in your %files section. Likely you want to use the %defattr macro at the beginning of the %files.