Dmitriy Kirhlarov wrote:
I need to make some multi-RPM's for monitoring system of our company, but have a problems.
First multi-rpm must include nagios-2.0b1, nsca-2.4 server and some .pl-check.
[ ... ]
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It work, but nagios-2.0b1.tar.gz extracted 2 times. Why?
This is slightly off, I think:
%setup -n nagios -c -b0 -b1
Essentially, -b0 tells "setup" to unpackage source no 0, and -b1 source no 1. Source no 0 is however *automatically* unpackaged, unless you tell %setup not to. What you want is probably
%setup -n nagios -c -b1
or even better, RTFM at
And how I can use mixed sourced (.tar.gz and .pm) in this situation?Not sure I understand, but if you have a plain file listed as source, you'll usually just reference it directly as in
cp %{SOURCE2} .
instead of handling it via %setup
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