All. I have a problem installing the emu10k1 stuff. I got it from cvs (latest source) and read the instructions in the ./doc/redme file. it says you should be able to do a make and if the right kernel is reported, do a make again, and then make install. change the modules-info file.. etc. so i did a make and got an error message. /lib/modules/linux-2.4.18-24.8.0/build... no such file or directory... or could not be found etc. i expect that to use emu10k1 you have to have kernal source at hand. so i looked in /lib/modules and found a few dirs in there. some were. linux-2.4.18-14 linux-2.4.18-24.8.0 This is because i did a fresh install of red hat 8 from the CDS which contained the kernal 2.4.18-14, and then i installed the erata for the kernal 2.4.18-24.8.0. So it is not surprising that there are dirs for both of them here. however going into the 2.4.18-24.8.0 dir, i find a number of things, amung them a sym link called build which has no target (blinking on a red background). i then went into the dir linux-2.4.18-14 to find a sym link called build that did have a target.... at /usr/src/linux-2.4.18-14 so i went to /usr/src and i did find a few dirs in there, linux-2.4.18-14 redhat linux-2.4 (this is a sym link to something, i did not check) but did not find a dir for linux-2.4.18-24.8.0. that is, the source for the new kernal did not seem to get installed. Why is this? I then went to the SRPMS that i got from the redhat updates site and found the sources for the kernal 2.4.18-24.8.0 there were a few rpms, one with the kernal, one with kernal-utils. so i installed these kernal sources. but nothing seemed to happen to the /usr/src dir. that is, no dir appeared for 2.4.18-24.8.0. Why is this? where did the rpm put that source i installed. the rpm install seemed to work fine at the time. when running rpm -ivv to get a more verbose output, i saw references to /usr/src/redhat/SOURCES so i went to that dir and still could not find anything related to 2.4.18-24.8.0 i then went back to /lib/modules/ and created a sym link called linux-2.4.18-24.8.0 linking to the /usr/src/redhat/SOURCES dir on the off chance that emu10k1 would then find what it needed. on going back to emu10k1 dir i did a make and got a similar message. i think it searched in the SOURCES dir but still could not find what it needed. it reported that i needed to do a make configure on the SOURCES dir. doing this did nothing of cource because the /usr/src/redhat/SOSOURCES dir did not have anything to configure. there were a lot of sources in there though. i then removed the symlink i created in /lib/modules. after all this, going back to /usr/src i found that the linux-2.4 symlink was broken. i linked it back to the linux-2.4.18-14 dir that is in /lib/modules/ .. hope this was the right thing to do? i think that this is what it linked to origionally, but i am not sure. Anyway. how can i get the 2.4.18-24.8.0 source in the right place? how can i install emu10k1 properly? should i boot with the old kernal and then install it with that and then boot to the new kernal and link the module in? not sure this will work since i think you need the kernel source. any help would be apreciated. hope i have not done anything bad to the system. If anyone can see where i have gone wrong with symlinks etc or what i can do to restore things... please let me know. Mat.
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