You have my sympathies ...
I've never done this of course :-) However, I found a useful heuristic for finding the files I accidentally installed is just to scour the file system looking for files with a similar modification time. The list of files will include some that clearly don't belong to the set of files you're trying to remove, but those will be fairly obvious. I write a program to do the searching -- it took two parameters, a file that was installed (for example, in your case, /usr/local/lib/libao.a, perhaps) and a "fuzz" -- any files with a modification time within the fuzz are printed out. It's possible that checking ctime rather than mtime will produce better results, it depends. I don't have the program here, but I probably have it on a CD somewhere if you'd like a copy.
Of course, after that, you should go down the RPM route. If you need to upgrade the RH9 packages, start with the RH9 source RPMS, well, that's what I normally do. It's possible that you'll come unstuck with dependencies on the old libraries so you might wind up upgrading rather more than you originally intended.
Marco Fioretti wrote:
In a moment when I would have done better sleeping, I went to a plain RH9 box, downloaded the libao, libogg and libvorbis tarballs from the vorbis web site, and installed them from source: configure, make, make install.
Only after that I remembered to do rpm -qa, and found that those libraries, or better their RPM coming with RH9 had been installed initially.
How do I go back to a clean system (no extra/orphan/conflicting files, consistent RPM db) now? Should I do
make uninstall for all the source packages, rpm -e for the rpm packagesù then install only from RPM or source, depending from the version needed?
TIA, Marco Fioretti
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