The CTRL-ALT-F1 and CTRL-ALT-F7 trick, also suggested by Mike Burger seems like a great workaround until I can fix the root cause. Navigating my desktop with a keyboard only gets old, really quickly.It also sounds like a problem that I had with a KVM switch made (well sold) by Black Box in the UK. The problem was in the firmware and getting the switch replaced by one with more recent firmware solved the problem. I seem to remember that resetting the switch tended to fix the problem sometimes. Also using the buttons on the switch rather than the keyboard access (or the other way around) fixed the problem a bit. I suspect Ctrl-Alt-F1 and Ctrl-Alt-F7 would also help.
One and the same I'm happy to say. It's odd, John, I was telling a Cirrus anecdote to someone yesterday and then voila your name pops up in my e-mail, speak of the devil. It's nice to hear from you again ! It seems that we're even playing in the same product space if your e-mail address is anything to go by.Nigel Simpson? Not the Nigel Simpson who used to work for Cirrus in Fareham once upon a time?