Message: 8 From: Price Technology <pricetech@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> Organization: Price Technology >To: shrike-list@xxxxxxxxxx >Subject: Re: printing problem >Date: Tue, 17 Jun 2003 06:45:20 -0500 >Reply-To: shrike-list@xxxxxxxxxx >On Tuesday 17 June 2003 04:20, anthony baldwin wrote: >> >>How do I check the dates on the repository? >> >Wherever you downloaded the packages to, that is the repository. Check >dates >of files there. >>>rpm -e to remove packages >> >The update packages were RPM's were they not ?? Just remove that RPM. >Joebewan Yes, they were rpm's, but if I remove them, can I not break parts of the system that rely upon those packages? So, I would just replace them with older pkgs, perhaps? Also, How do I know where I downloaded them TO? I thought the repository was the place I received them, When I do apt-get, apt-get pretty well does everything, so I don't know where stuff is going. (don't hit me, please) Also, a fellow on the K12ltsp list said he was having a similar problem and fixed it by replacing his recently updated openmotif with an older version. I can't seem to find openmotif anywhere to remove it so I can replace it, although I have donwloaded the rpm with which he replaced his, (openmotif21-2.1.30-6.i386.rpm) and have attempted to install it (rpm -ivh --replacefiles --replacepkgs, b/c if I when I just tried -ivh rpm indicated there were conflicts with another version), but when I do rpm -q opemnotif, I still get the same response as before (openmotif-2.2.2-14), so I don't know if I really changed anything...and, of course, the printer problem does not seem to have been affected at all, so that's no indication (that's what I call a run-on sentence!). I might have changed openmotif to no effect, or I may not have effected a change with openmotif at all, for all I know. Openmotif may have nothing to do with the problem. I don't know... I suppose that trying to work with me here is becoming exasperating, since I am so clueless. Trust me, I am getting exasperated, too. I've only been using Linux for about a year, now, and it seems that every few months I update something and something else goes screwy and I spend weeks trying to fix it...It is frustrating. I believe that I have learned a lot in the past year, but it seems that some problems just keep coming back--mostly printing problems, and the problem is always convoluted, or at the very least, difficult to diagnose and solve. I can't tell yo uhow many times I have reinstalled a printer driver, really...I'm not even sure where the problem is here, yet. Lexmark provides a driver, and it's been working, so I can't blame them, this time (although, never try to use a z42 in Linux--what headaches!) Given the alternatives, however, I assure you that I will NOT stop trying to figure this stuff out (the alternatives REALLY suck!). Perhaps I should just get an Epson (but I'm broke right now...teacher's salary is rather limited). I understand their printers just work in Linux where others only mostly work (according to, where I have spent some time trying to find a solution.) the thing is, THIS lexmark HAS been working for me since I brought it home (as opposed to the z42 that never worked in linux and was troublesome, at best, in windope, anyways). I've tried printing with LPD, LPR and Cups, now. After changing the openmotif, with Cups, the printer responds, but spits out a blank page. Still no response at all with LPD or LPR. All is NOT lost, I suppose, because my iBook, which also has, of course (and gimp with Fink), will drive this printer, but all the same, I want the main box to drive it, and not just with KWord. Is this an id10t/UTS bug? Is it me? Where can I check for error msgs that might be enlightening? (okay /rant, Thanks for your patience and assistance.) tony Freedom to Learn! -----BEGIN GEEK CODE BLOCK----- GED$/L/P/FA d? s: a C++ L++ W++ N++ K- w--- M+ PS++ PE-- Y+ PGP- t+ tv-- b++(b++++) D? G e++++ h++ r--- y? ------END GEEK CODE BLOCK------ _____________________________________________________________ Freedom to Learn! _____________________________________________________________ Select your own custom email address for FREE! Get you@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx, No Ads, 6MB, IMAP, POP, SMTP & more!