What is gcj ? I assumed it was an addition to the Gnu Compiler Collectiongcj can produced both java bytecodes and excutable code. For the latter it needs a run-time library that provides a lot of the functionality of the JVM. Last time I tried it (and it was a while ago) it didn't support NIO, which is a pity. Still doesn't. Shame. More info on http://gcc.gnu.org/java/ -- including some interesting stuff I hadn't noticed before ...
and that it generated byte code that would be interpreted and executed by a
JVM. /usr/bin/java behaves like a JVM, so what is it really ?
I would guess that the next RH (the beta of which should be out in a little while) will have mysql 4, although there's nothing in rawhide at the moment. You can always download the RPMs from www.mysql.com yourself. Be careful though -- they're build rather differently to the RH ones.As for MySQL, pity ! I wasted some time yesterday attempting to execute a stored proc on version 3
Ah well, it keeps me out of the pub :-)