Try going to:I don't know yet because I am shopping for a laptop. I have read about IBM, Dell, and Toshiba laptops as being somewhat more compatible.
One of the problems is that even within a model series different sub-components change causing conflicts -- not to mention the huge variations from model to model and brand to brand. It makes it a difficult challenge unless one can find a vendor who will sell a laptop loaded and tested with all of the desired accessories.
I am asking all of these questions because I wasted a year trying to get a HP Omnibook to run properly under Linux -- went through several distros and none worked properly.
I have a maximum of $1500. to spend, including accessories.
I'm running RH8 on a Compaq Pressario 2105, and it has been great. I follwed the howto for this laptop and linux loaded without a hitch, and runs better than the XP factory load (which sometimes does not boot XP on the first try).