I need a RH9 capable main board for a specialized application. It's going into an airplane cockpit for a while. All it has to do is Ethernet packet capture for an Ethernet device already in the plane. That device isn't working as expected and its diagnostics are poor. Packet capture may help.
Due to space limitations, I'm looking for an all in one board that has the video and ethernet on the main board. That way there won't be any slots used and the vertical height of the "computer" is likely to be the top of the CPU chip fan.
I just loaded RH8.0 on a Via ITX motherboard available from idotpc.com. Works great, everything but the hard drive is on board and it's small. The only thing smaller are the Expresso and Cappucino machines available from http://www.cappuccinopc.com .
Disclaimer: I have no interest in either company.
"We have the power to do any damn fool thing we want to do,
and we seem to do it about every ten minutes."
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