I need a RH9 capable main board for a specialized application. It's going into an airplane cockpit for a while. All it has to do is Ethernet packet capture for an Ethernet device already in the plane. That device isn't working as expected and its diagnostics are poor. Packet capture may help. Due to space limitations, I'm looking for an all in one board that has the video and ethernet on the main board. That way there won't be any slots used and the vertical height of the "computer" is likely to be the top of the CPU chip fan. Is anyone using an all in one main board that RH9 will install on cleanly and the video and Ethernet work from the get go? I don't care if its AMD or Intel CPU. USB and Sound are unimportant. Thanks Bill Gradwohl (817) 224-9400 x211 www.ycc.com SPAMstomper Protected Email