Look in the VGA connector that plugs into your PC video card and make sure non of the pins are pushed in or bent over.This isn't a software related question, and not really related to linux, but I'm hoping that someone on the list might be able to help me. More specifically someone who either *builds* his own systems, or who knows a lot about hardware.
My problem:
I recently moved my furniture around. Naturally, I disconnected my
periphals to move the machine around as well. Since then, when I
switch on the system, the boot messages are *YELLOW* instead of *white*.
I've checked the connections to ensure that they are properly seated, and that the cable is connection is *not* inverted ... I know the slight angle of the connection should make this "impossible". but I KNOW it can happen.
Today, I've even opened the box, and given it its semi-annual cleaning. In so doing, I removed a lot of lint and dust on the fans, etc. AGAIN, I verified that every connection is solid, yet, I still have the colour problem.
This is a Viewsonic 17 monitor about >8 years old. NOTE: I can run the _hardware_ control settings (the front buttons) and my dialogs display normally with white text on the blue background...
So I am looking at the possibility of either a failing monitor *cable*, or a failing video card... My AGP video card is a Jaton 3DForce B-32 plus.
At the moment, all the "whites" in my windows are a pale yellowish-green. (Not pleasant to look at ... the Red Hat icon shows red, of course ... but the
blue desktop is a dark green...
Elton ("its not easy being yellowish-green")... :-(