*********** REPLY SEPARATOR *********** On 4/25/2003 at 2:13 PM Keith Winston wrote: >Shane C Branch wrote: >> I will be running an inter-office website on my linux server. Company >> regulations require that the website be password protected so that only >users >> with accounts on the machine may acces it. I know that it is possible to >> configure apache for pw authentication, but is there a way that I can >configure >> the machine to allow users to change their passwords remotely? I am >thinking of >> something along the lines of the NT4/2K/XP ctrl-alt-del change password >option. >> I realize that users could change their pw with ssh/telnet sessions, but >most >> of them have no idea what a command line is, and I don't think it would >be a >> good idea to allow that many people telnet access to a machine, when >they just >> need to access the webpage. > >I just saw this on Freshmeat (ChangePassword 0.6): > >http://freshmeat.net/releases/120799/ > >I have no idea if it works as advertised. > >Best Regards, >Keith >-- Thanks. I'll check that out. regards, shane.