The Good: Loaded RH9 on a new HDD. Things generally went very smoothly, much more so than RH8. RH8 required me to attach a PS/2 mouse at all times when using my Logitech USB Optical Mouse until I was several updates up from the original. No such problem with RH9. RH8 locked up, requiring a completely new reload of RH8, if I toggled the modem to dial up during power up -- no such problems with RH9. RH8 refused to power down with the Network Device Control active -- no such problem with RH9. My thanks to the RH9 software engineers for those improvements! The Bad: Update files appear to be complete replacements rather than patches -- this makes life very difficult for those on dial-up lines -- constant disconnects and lengthly download times. "Invalid GPG Signature" errors during the RH Update Agent process makes unattended downloads of huge update files impossible -- requiring one to sit for hours in front of the computer only to be there for a second every now and then to tell it to ignore the GPG error. The Ugly: If the disconnect occurs not during the waiting screen for the GPG error but in the middle of a file download then the download is frozen -- when I clicked "Forward" the next step in the Update initiated, started to implement the updates then hit a bad update file -- this froze things again but this time requiring a restart A restart at this point implements some updates but not all of the dependencies and trashes the install -- a message about X starting or restarting too soon (or something like that) comes up on a mostly black screen -- the only way out is to restart and then the same thing happens. I toggled the option for RPM Rollback during the early setup of RH9 but this error doesn't trigger a y/n request to activate the RPM Rollback -- thought it clearly should. I am temporarily back on my RH8 HDD while I reload RH9 cleanly all over again on the new HDD. This time I will make a list of the 17 updates and burn them to a CD at work and do the update at home from a CD. Sure wish RH Update Agent had better error capture routines. To my fellow Christians/Linux-RH9 brothers and sisters I pray a blessed Easter/Resurrection Sunday, to the rest of my fellow Linux-RH9 friends I pray an enlightening weekend ... ;-) doc