I was having this same problem when cdrecord2 came out, what i needed to
do to rectify this was to compile ide-cd and ide-scsi as modules and load
them from rc.local eg. "modprobe ide-cd" and /n "modprobe ide-scsi" and
everything worked fine, with cdrecord2 you no longer need to specify
"hdx=ide-scsi" in your kernel parms.
Hopefully this will point you in the proper direction.
These 2.5K bytes were from Audioslave - 7M3 - Live,
Thanks for the pointers. I'll take out the hdd=ide-scsi from grub and see what happens to the fstab, symlinks, etc.
Not needing the ide-scsi explains the designation of my reader as an scsi device. I hope that the burn:/// program gets the right information, once the change is made.
I hope that compiling the modules, then loading them through modprobe and adding them to /etc/rc.d/rc.local is not needed. I have added modprobe loads for other problems before. It was ethernet card related, for the pcnet_cs module. It is a great thing to have. It lets the other processes do what they want, then you can set them to the desired value.
"OK, OK ... are you done playing. The right value is ...."
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