I really don't know what they have screwed up, but it is really upseting all brazilian users that uses an US-International Keyboard.
If anybody that is really big on keyboard issues and is a pratictioner of this kinds of Dark Magic, please give us some help, we didn't have to sort these issues on RH 8.
Thanks for any thoughts,
Alessandro Oliveira Nuno Ferreira Cargas Internacionais Ltda. Phone: +55-11-3241-2000 Fax : +55-11-3242-9891 -------------------------------------------------------------------
Micro$oft is not the answer. Micro$oft is the question. The answer is NO!!!
Toni Guedes wrote:
How must I proceed to obtain a ¨ccedilla¨ (ç) in RH9??? It was easy in other versions (ie. 8.0) using ¨dead_acute + c¨...Now the same combination produce ¨c acute¨!!!
I'm using a MS Natural Keyboard (US Layout) and xkblayout is set to ¨us_intl¨.
Thanks in Advance,
Toni São Paulo - Brazil