I've used VMware now for a few years for maintaining "compatibility" with the rest of the world at work (and doing Windows development). I had bought VMware Express for home use, but that's so out of date, I don't dare even try to install it on Shrike. (Unless someone can tell me that it still will work with the new kernel.) I was thinking about buying Win4Lin, for the sole purpose of being able to run Publisher (which I owned before I went Linux full-time) for my wife. This is the one app that I don't have an equivalent for under Linux. Does anyone run Win4Lin here, and, if so, what are your thoughts? I guess the bottom line is just that I need a "publisher-like" app for Linux. Barring a native one, what about something running under Wine? I tried Print Shop, and it sucked hard even under Windows. (And I was hoping to be able to use its clipart under Linux, but it's all packed in big, proprietary data files. Jerks. I used their money-back guarantee.) I'd really like the ability to run a Windows program seamlessly, like with Crossover, but Codeweavers doesn't even mention Publisher in any of their documentation, working or not. Has anyone gotten it working with their product? Thoughts? dk