I've currently got several nfs exports on an internal server, for mounting home directories (with NIS) and several public directories as well for music, apps and downloads etc.. I have been getting this error on RH 8.0 as well, this happens about 99% of the time on reboot/shutdown of the clients, its always the very last mess or messages, I tend to get umount failed a lot as well when I try to reboot, but booting up work fine. I've done a google, to see if its any settings I have have entered incorrectly, but everything seems ok, I'm mounting them (on the clients) with the following options: server:/exports/doc /pub/docs nfs rw,hard,intr 0 0 It seems that portmap is shutting down, before the exports are unmounted, thus this problem, I suppose I could try to change the time, when portmap and the nfs daemons shutdown on boot, but I'm not sure if that would mess anything up. Any advise would be great. Cheers in advance Mark