Yes, I found I had to deal with all the Apache dependencies as well (and it's worse if you try to use a version of an Apache rpm file that calls itself "apache2" as opposed to "httpd" as in the RH distro. I've yet to find a copy of the jk2 stuff that would install itself (I've been trying to do all the set-up by hand--getting the .so file in the right place and so on; something's not quite right).
Still Apache won't invoke Tomcat like it should (I can get the JSP demos to work by going directly to 8080)--e.g., like this:
So I know I'm close.... Crud this has taken a long time!
I am very suspicious of my mod_jk2 install. Where did you get the version you have working from?
Also, I think I picked up the httpd-2.0.44 rpm--is that, perhaps part of my problem?
(When this is all working, I wonder if there's any way to post complete directions somewhere...)
Thanks much!
Leonid Dubinsky wrote:
J M Craig (Alpha-G Consulting) wrote:A follow-up: did you find a binary (rpm) distribution of Apache 2.0.43 or did you have to make it yourself or what?
It's not just Apache. I had to upgrade mod_ssl, bunch of php-related stuff etc.
But I did not have to make anything myself, thanks to Edwin Chan:
Leonid Dubinsky
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