This is related to a previous problem, but since I have it narrowed down a
bit figured it would be best to start a new thread.
My ethernet adapter is a CNet PRO200WL. This was certified by Redhat for
Linix. However, RH8.0 is loading the wrong driver for it. It loads dmfe,
because it thinks the adapter is a Davicom DM9102. The correct driver,
according to the Linux-Tested site is dmfc. I have tried to delete the
old eth0 and put in a new one, but the PRO200WL is not one of the choices
So I suppose the question is two-pronged: (a) Is there a way to force the
dmfc driver to load? (b) Or, in the alternative, is there a way to find
out if any of the choices presented when trying to add a new adapter from
the Redhat list use the dmfc driver? (That is, a list which shows which
driver each adapter uses?)
This is kind of a disjointed question, and I'm sorry. But don't know a
better way to ask it.
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