Re: Driver for Cnet PRO200WL

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On Sat, 2003-02-15 at 10:03, John Nall wrote:
> This is related to a previous problem, but since I have it narrowed down a 
> bit figured it would be best to start a new thread.
> My ethernet adapter is a CNet PRO200WL.  This was certified by Redhat for 
> Linix.   However, RH8.0 is loading the wrong driver for it.  It loads dmfe, 
> because it thinks the adapter is a Davicom DM9102.   The correct driver, 
> according to the Linux-Tested site is dmfc.  I have tried to delete  the 
> old eth0 and put in a new one, but the PRO200WL is not one of the choices 
> given.
> So I suppose the question is two-pronged:  (a)  Is there a way to force the 
> dmfc driver to load?  (b)  Or, in the alternative, is there a way to find 
> out if any of the choices presented when trying to add a new adapter from 
> the Redhat list use  the dmfc driver?    (That is, a list which shows which 
> driver each adapter uses?)

Interestingly, your nic does appear to use a davicom chipset. I was able
to download the latest drivers from the website, which come
in a self-executing zip archive. I simply unzipped the archive, and
voila! There was a LINUX directory complete with source code for the
current driver.

For your convenience, I have uploaded the relevant tarball to my
website. You can download the file at:

Untar and unzip the file with this command:
$ tar -xvzf CNPRO200WL.tar.gz

This will create a root/ directory, with a linux/ subdirectory, and in
that directory there are several files, including a readme.txt with
directions on compiling the driver for your system. You will find, upon
reading the readme file, that the actual driver is not dmfc, but
something else -- it changed from dmfc with kernel 2.2 to something else
with 2.4.

You will need the development apps (gcc, make, etc.) as well as
(probably) the kernel source rpms to build this driver. If you've never
compiled software before, you're in for a learning experience -- but
it's not difficult, as long as you follow the instructions.

There may be pre-compiled drivers out there, but I didn't look. Good
luck, I'm sure you can do it.

Dave Sherman
"If we wanted you to understand it, we wouldn't call it code."

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