At 12:00 PM 2/14/2003 -0600, Dave Sherman wrote:
>According to the Linux-Tested website, the driver module to use is dmfc.
Yeah, I checked that. I notice that Redhat is the one that did the test, also.
>Run the command 'lsmod' to list the kernel modules currently loaded, and confirm that this module is loading.
Nope. dmfe is loaded. Not dmfc.
No indication by dmesg of any error loading. Only error indications by dmesg are that when etho is trying to active, it does a "tx" and no return. Apparently tries this for awhile and says to hell with it.> Also, run 'dmesg' and direct its output into a text file ('dmesg > dmesg.txt'). Start looking for error messages when the module loads, and see if it is even trying to load the correct module.
I'm going to try to re-install RH8.0 and see if I can have an opportunity to specify the modem.
Thanks, John
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