At 04:17 PM 2/13/2003 -0600, Dave Sherman wrote:
OK. Did that, and one problem has to do with the modem, which I have now ascertained to be a WinModem (Conexant HCF) and I know those don't work on Linux, or at least not without some extra effort. So the modem is put aside for now (may come back to it and investigate what is available to make it a LinModem later).>In my experience, it isn't whole systems that are certified, but rather subsystems (video card, sound card, network card, etc.). That being the case, you can simply get a list of the hardware in your Dell, and compare that against the various compatibility lists.
The second problem has to do with the Ethernet card. It is a CNET PRO200WL, which apparently is Linux certified (by Linux-Testing), although not for RH8.0 specifically. However, I will assume for now that the problem with the modem is pilot error and not bother you all further right now until I do all my homework.
Thanks for the reply,
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