Re: mysql problem

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---------- Original Message -----------
From: Dave Robbins <>
Sent: 28 Jan 2003 16:30:41 -0500
Subject: Re: mysql problem

> On Tue, 2003-01-28 at 15:40, Mike Vanecek wrote:
> > ---------- Original Message -----------
> > From: Dave Robbins <>
> > To:
> > Sent: 28 Jan 2003 15:00:25 -0500
> > Subject: mysql problem

> > > my setup is a pentium III 800 MHz 375 MB ram
> > > Redhat 8.0 with everything installed
> > > my little home network has several machine on the 192.168.0 subnet all
> > > behind a linksys router with dsl to the net
> > > 
> > > I've been playing with apache/php/mysql and everything is working great
> > > I recently came across a need to connect to mysql from a different
> > > machine. when I do this the connection fails. I've poored over
> > > documentation. I feel good that I have the permissions setup right (for
> > > mysql at least).  After reading thru lots of list archive and trying
> > > lots of different things, I've boiled it down to the fact that from the
> > > local machine, if I "telnet 3306", mysql responds with it's
> > > version number,
> > 
> > netstat -nat should tell you if it is listening 
> > ps aux | grep -i mysql should tell you if the daemon is running
> > 
> > > but if I do that from the remote machine, telnet exits
> > > immediately. this approach is ment to get around any kind of access
> > > issues.
> > 
> > By remote machine, does this mean outside the net. If so, have you enabled dmz
> > or portforwarding on the linksys router? If not, the packets from the outside
> > will never get to the server.
> > 
> > You can use iptables to monitor packets to the mysql port, something like:
> > 
> > iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 3306 -j LOG (you may have to check the
> > 
> > will record incoming packets for that port.
> > 
> > > I don't think mysql is listening on port 3306, or my networking
> > > setup isn't letting my machine pay attention to it. I ran mysqladmin
> > > variables and it looks like networking is enabled. I looked at
> > > /var/log/mysqld.log and all I saw was some startup information, are some
> > > connection logs kept someplace else? I can connect from the remote
> > > machine using ssh or ftp, but those are controlled by xinetd, mysqld
> > > runs as a standalone daemon.
> > ------- End of Original Message -------

> both machines are on my local network so the router isn't the issue
> netstat appears to indicate mysql is listening to 
> shouldn't it be listening on it's external address?
> here's the output

> [root@tomcat root]# netstat -nat
> Active Internet connections (servers and established)
> Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address        
> State

> tcp        0      0  *              

Looks OK to me.

------- End of Original Message -------

Have you tried turning off the firewall?  

# Flush all rules
iptables -F

# Set the default policy to accept
iptables --policy INPUT   ACCEPT
iptables --policy OUTPUT  ACCEPT
iptables --policy FORWARD ACCEPT

If that is not it, then one of the mysql gurus will need to jump in.

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