Check w/ your cable provider. A lot of cable providers do not allow hosting of any services on your connection, with the exception of maybe a game server. Some even block service ports, such as port 80 tcp and 25tcp from ever getting to your machine. Other than that, you have to deal with DHCP, and trying to maintain a way to keep your domain names pointed to your possibly changing IP address. That said, you shouldn't have any problems if you resolve the above ones. -- Jesse Keating RHCE MCSE Well currently I have an alias of my FQDN of my cable modem to www, mail, and It seems to be working well enough to get my list mail and stuff. I also run my quake3 server on it. I never checked with Rogers about any type of hosting, I guess it's time to do that. The alias seems to take care of the dynamic nature of my connection, although it's kinda static once it gets an IP. I've had the same one for two months now. Thanks, -=/>Thom -- Psyche-list mailing list