In my case, the LDAP server was up and functioning for all intents and purposes, but whatever updates I applied caused my machine to go haywire.. and a rescue CD boot would have been the next step, but I wanted to install the new beta anyhow.. this just "motivated" me :)
--On Monday, January 20, 2003 11:15:01 AM -0500 Keith Winston <> wrote:
Tommy McNeely wrote:My network has a Sun LDAP server (for pam_ldap) with extra stuff to support linux and works for RH 7.x and up.. except below I lost my psyche box last night.. I ran a full "up2date -fu" ... rebooted.. and there were TONS of strange errors about users not existing during boot.. when it got to the console login screen, I could not even login as root... snooping on the ldapserver showed that it was doing ldap searches, even for local accounts?? which I thought I filed a bug on back in 7.2?? guess that its not fixed yet...I've been testing this using OpenLDAP on Red Hat 8 with Red Hat 8 clients and the problem is still there. There are several bugzillas about it, look at 63631 and 63717 and 79198. If your client is configured to look at LDAP and the server is not available for any reason, you are screwed. I had to boot with a rescue CD, then mount / and edit /etc/pam.d/system-auth file and comment all all references to ldap. Then, I could log back in as root. One of those bugzillas has a work around that I haven't been able to test yet. May be a solution for psyche clients. Best Regards, Keith -- LPIC-2, MCSE, N+ We drive on this highway of fire Got spam? Get spastic -- Psyche-list mailing list
-- Tommy McNeely -- Tommy.McNeely@Sun.COM Sun Microsystems - IT Ops - Broomfield Campus Support Phone: x50888 / 303-464-4888 -- Fax: 720-566-3168 -- Psyche-list mailing list