re: lost in the pines

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On Mon, 13 Jan 2003 12:37:11 +0100, Michael Schwendt wrote:
>>   [root@mango temp]# rpm -qa | xargs -n 1 -t rpm -V &> rpm-Va.txt
>>   [root@mango temp]# less rpm-Va.txt
>>   rpm -V glibc-2.2.93-5
>>   rpm -V gdbm-1.8.0-18
>>   rpm -V libacl-2.0.11-2
>>   rpm -V linc-0.5.2-2
>>   xargs: rpm: terminated by signal 11
>Is this reproducible?

Yes. I was able to duplicate the error several times.

>What does "rpm -V rpm" give?

There were no errors.

>And "rpm --rebuilddb"?

I did rebuild the RPM database.

>According to your logs, you had a kernel panic with 2.4.18-14 on
>January 5th and another one 20 minutes later. Any particular reason
>for that?

That may have been the time I thought the Linux box was frozen. It may
have been running or completing up2date.

>In the logs I couldn't find any hard disk drive block read error
>I suspect your RAM chips may be bad or your system unstable. That
>would explain the kernel panic and signal 11 upon running rpm,
>unless RPM itself is damaged. You might want to try memtest86
>from Google.

The memtest86 is a very nice routine to have my toolbox. I copied it to a
bootable CD and ran it for several hours (14 passes) on my Linux box.
There were no memory errors found.

Since my system was a mess, largely due to my inexperience with Linux, I
re-installed the entire Red Hat 8.0 system. I will continue to monitor my
system for disk errors any unusual glitches.

Thank you.  --  Justin

ps. After the re-install I ran the rpm command suggested earlier:

  [root@mango jkuo]# rpm -qa | xargs -n 1 -t rpm -V &> rpm-Va.txt
  [root@mango jkuo]# ls
  evolution  ks.cfg  mail  rpm-Va.txt  spool.txt
  [root@mango jkuo]# ls -l
  total 28
  drwx------    5 jkuo     jkuo         4096 Jan 15 09:55 evolution
  -rw-rw-r--    1 jkuo     jkuo          947 Jan 14 23:51 ks.cfg
  drwx------    2 jkuo     jkuo         4096 Jan 17 13:07 mail
  -rw-r--r--    1 root     root          150 Jan 17 15:36 rpm-Va.txt
  -rw-r--r--    1 root     root        10483 Jan 17 14:47 spool.txt
  [root@mango jkuo]# cat rpm-Va.txt
  rpm -V bonobo-activation-devel-1.0.3-2
  rpm -V lslk-1.29-6
  rpm -V ORBit-devel-0.5.13-5
  rpm -V emacspeak-16.0-2
  xargs: rpm: terminated by signal 11

Does that last line, "terminated by signal 11" indicate a problem?  -- jfk

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