orphaned processes in 7.3 and 8.0

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hi all.

I'll try to give as much info as possible about this small annoyance. Just to summarize what's happening, though, I'm seeing a lot of orphaned processes on both redhat 7.3 and 8.0 boxes. By 'orphaned', I mean that the processes wind up being listed as having PPID '1', and not attached to any pty.

For example, I have blackbox running on my local desktop, and if I open up Eterm, issue the command 'vi myfile', and then click the eterm window control to close the window, I'll be left with a bash and Eterm process, both under PPID '1', and a vi process owned by the original bash process (now a child of PPID '1').

On my local machine, this really isn't much of an issue, because I actually make a point of exiting everything properly. I never just click to close a window. However, we have some 7.3 workgroup servers that people in the department can just 'ssh -X' to, and they may not be so careful. After a while, the load average on these machines goes up over 3 or 4, and I find myself running 'ps -ef | grep vi' and killing off old vi (and emacs) processes. Doing this causes the load average to (almost every time) 0.00 again.

The 8.0 machine is running a redhat stock kernel (2.4.18), and has 1GB of RAM.
The 7.3 machines are dual Xeon Dell 2650's running a custom-configured 2.4.20 kernel. They're all identical from both a hardware and software perspective.

Is there a way to kill off these orphans, or detect them with some script to make the job of maintaining these boxes easier?

Also, why does this seem to only happen on Linux boxes? I have only seen this on solaris in very rare instances. Is this a problem with the individual applications not exiting properly, or a problem with the kernel or redhat or something? Anything I can do?

Thanks for any advice here.

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