Re: rebuild /var/lib/rpm/Packages ?

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On Thu, Nov 14, 2002 at 02:12:47PM +0000, Andrew Mark Tze Liang Choong wrote:
> i'm using psyche with synaptic as my package manager. something happened
> - synaptic crashed and when i started it up again, it was unable to
> start as i had two packages of krb5-workstation but different versions.
> i deleted /var/lib/rpm/Packages and synaptic started again. however, i
> now do not have a list of the installed packages on my system!!!

You've done some significant damage that will take some effort to undo.
I take it you don't have backups either?  If you do, restore that
directory.  If you don't, your fastest way is to archive your documents
and settings and re-install.  Failing that, you need to determine which
package owns each and every file on your system and then issue the rpm
command to update the database without installing the package.  If you
exclusively installed from Red Hat, this is ugly but not impossible.  If
you've installed from multiple places and don't have the original rpm
files anymore, you'll be better off re-installing.

> i tried rpm --initdb, rpm --rebuilddb but that doesn't have seemed to
> work.

Did you do a man on rpm to see what initdb does?  It *initializes* the
database.  If you had anything in there before, it would certainly be
gone now.

Take this as a learning opportunity.  This is also a good lesson in why
backups are important.  If you had regular backups even to another hard
drive (and they're relatively dirt cheap these days) you could have
restored in seconds instead of having to re-install.

Ed Wilts, Mounds View, MN, USA
Member #1, Red Hat Community Ambassador Program

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