RE: Samba server and Win98 connection problem

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there aren't really any settings in the win box that effects the connection
to the samba server other then the username and password used to logon. That
information is handed to the samba server when a connection to a samba
resource is requested. In order for the samba server to allow the
connection, the username and password must match a username and password
listed in the samba password file. I forgot that one line, there is another
line that you can add that tells samba were to locate a password file. this
will give you the ability to manage permissions via the Linux account
permissions. that line is:

		smb passwd file = /etc/samba/smbpasswd

the command smbadduser will allow you to map smb accounts to Linux accounts.
for example, you have a shared location <share> under that location you have
a <users> location under that you have <john>, <sam>, <joe>. you can set the
Linux permissions on john, sam, and joe directories to 700, and the owners
of those directories would be john, sam, and joe, respectively. Then when
you add smb users john, sam, and joe, and map them to the Linux users. the
Linux rights are translated to the win boxes, that way when john logs on he
cannot gain access to sam, or joe's, directories.


	smbadduser john:john

it would then ask you for a password which doesn't have to match the Linux
password for that account, but it can without any problems. This password is
the one that john would then use to log onto the windows computer and would
give him access to the samba server according to the rights stipulated by
the Linux john account. it would also set all files created by john to the
owner of john in the samba server.

by setting the guest account you are giving anyone that connects to the
server access to the shares under the username satimis. This line is not
stating that the username of the windows computer must match satimis, thus
there is no security on your server at all.

the reason you are seeing localhost as the server name when the address is
not in the hosts file is because that is the actual computer name of the
server. you need to change the actual computer name. You will then be able
to keep the computer name you want in the hosts file, you will also have to
change the address to the correct name. you can change
the actual computer name with the 'hostname' command. syntax:

	hostname <name>

This will allow you smb service to start faster when the address information
is in the hosts file.

In terms of the dismounting problem. I can't guess what the problem could be
without any other information. Are you getting an error, does it hang???

FYI the samba server can also be configured to act as a domain controller.
In 7.2 it really only worked with win9x boxes, however they were on the
verge of getting it to work with win2k boxes. I would guess that by now it
is probably working. That way you could configure this server to act as a
security controller for logins as well as hold roaming profiles, home
directories, and run login scripts.

The samba server is a bit complicated, but once you get used to it, it get's
easier. I would recommend picking up a book on samba, or visiting the samba
site for more in-depth information. i.e.

Good luck!

-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of Stephen Liu
Sent: Tuesday, October 22, 2002 11:55 PM
Subject: RE: Samba server and Win98 connection problem

Hi Gregory,

Lot of thanks for your advice.  My Samba server works now with following
adjustment made to


workgroup = SEC
guest account = satimis
encrypt passwords = yes
security = user

comment = Home Directories
read only = No
guest ok = Yes

2) Delete  IPX/SPX  on Win98

3) New  /etc/hosts	localhost.localdomain	localhost	SCW98	M40G

I still have following problems and expected to be advised.

1) # umount /mnt/Win98  could not dismount the directory.  I have to
stop Samba server with "service smb stop" first.

2) If I don't add "	M40G" in /etc/hosts, the computer-name of
Samba server appears as "localhost" under the workgroup on Win98.  If I
add ""  M40G" in /etc/hosts",at starting RH8.0 it takes quite
long time to detect

a) Starting sendmail  [OK]
b) Starting sm-client [OK]

Kindly advise.  Thanks

On Wed, 2002-10-23 at 07:02, Gregory Malsack wrote:
> 1. is there a linux user account for the user account used to log into the
> win98 machine?
> 2. is there an smb user account mapped to the linux user account i.e.
> smbadduser linux_user_name:win_user_name

The Win98 login name and password are same as Samba server user, only
one user for this test, but root is different.  I login in as root for
all tests because if I login as user "satimis" I am not allowed to start
Samba server even with "su" on command line.  What do you mean
"smbadduser linux_user_name:win_user_name"

- snip -

But one thing amazes me is

"The Windows boxes, WinME and Win98, used for this test have been used
previously to test another Samba server.  The setup on the latter was
standard and went through without much difficulty.  There are nothing
changed made to the WinME and Win98 mentioned but I have been struggling
for a week to setup this new Samba Server"

Stephen Liu

> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> []On Behalf Of Stephen Liu
> Sent: Tuesday, October 22, 2002 11:18 AM
> To:
> Subject: Samba server and Win98 connection problem
> Hi All Guys,
> The problem is as follows:
> ipchains and iptables stopped
> # service smb start
> Win98 is connected to Samba server via a crossover cable
> On Win98
> - 2 members found in the workgroup "Scw98"(Win98) and "M40G".
> (Samba server)
> - Clicking "M40G" popup a warning "permission not allowed"
> - Searching computer with the name of Samba server "M40G" found it there
> but searching with its IP address could not find it
> - Ping "M40G" and IP address of Samba server showed connected
> On Samba server
> "as root"
> - "# mount" could not mount Samba server
> - Ping SCW98 and IP address of Win98 showed connecting
> ===========
> Both Win98 and Samba server need password to login
> Samba server
> OS - RH8.0
> 2 NICs - one for broadband connection another for connecting Win98 via a
> crossover cable
> IP address -
> Computer name - M40G
> Login : root
>         user = satimis with same password as Win98 login
> /etc/samba/smb.conf (basic configure)
> [global]
> workgroup = SEC
> guest account = satimis
> encrypt passwords = no
> hosts allow = yes
> security = share
> [test]
> comment = share
> path = /home
> browseable = yes
> read only = no
> guest only = no
> guest ok = yes
> /etc/hosts
>       localhost.localdomain   localhost
>     SCW98
>     M40G
> Win98
> IP address -
> Computer name - SCW98
> Login - satimis
> password - same as user of Samba server
> Components
> ....
> - Net BEUI
> - NetBIOS support for IPX/SPX
> - TCP/IP
> ....
> Kindly advise.  Thanks in advance.
> Stephen Liu

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