Re: i386 kernel not included?

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On Mon, 21 Oct 2002, Thomas Dodd wrote:

>> Choosing a target of i686 means the binaries will not run on any 
>> CPU that is not a i686 class machine.  Examples of machines that 
>> do not have the full i686 instruction set:  Pentium, Cyrix (all 
>> of them AFAIK except perhaps the latest CPU from them), AMD K5, 
>> K6.  Using a target of i686 would cut support for all of this 
>> hardware, as well as some other CPUs.  We support Pentium, K5, K6 
>> class CPU's still however, so building the whole distribution 
>> with -march=i686 is not viable in any way shape or form at this 
>> point in time.
>Except a i586 kerenl is horrribly slow on a K6.

I've never done an in depth comparison, but I wouldn't consider 
it to be all that bad.  The K6 should reorder things internally I 
would presume anyway to be more optimal.  Have you done any 
benchmarking?  I used to use home brew K6 kernels, but then 
switched to stock kernels not long after starting at Red Hat.  QA 
testing became more important to me.  ;o)

>> This combination gives the biggest bang for the buck, while 
>> maintaining a high level of compatibility.
>So the packages are buildt with -march=i386 -mcpu=i686 right?


>So owners of a true Pentium would probably benifit from
>a -mcpu=i586 version of glibc.

That is also probably quite correct.

>> If a given Cyrix 6x86 processor cannot run one of our supported
>> kernels, then it is unsupported.  I don't know about the latest
>> Cyrix CPU's, but previous ones did not have the optional i686
>> CMOV instruction for example, and though the CPU's are otherwise 
>> i686 for the most part, not having CMOV disqualifies them from 
>> being i686 from the perspective of rpm/gcc.  You need to use the 
>> Pentium kernel on these machines.
>Another reason to supply a i386 kernel.

Why?  The CMOV instruction is an i686 instruction, not an i586 
one.  The i586 kernel thus does not use CMOV, and so i586 kernel 
should work on Cyrix.

>My understanding is that the i586 scheduler (compiler) creates
>code that only runs well on an actuall *ntel Pentium. Not a K5,
>K6, or Cyrix. Not a i686 (PPRo, PII, or PIII), not a Pentium w/

That is a reasonable assumption.  Note however that newer CPU's 
internally reorder instruction execution to be more optimal at 

There is no question at all, that providing a kernel customized 
for every single CPU brand/model would be most optimal for that 
particular CPU brand/model.  That isn't however remotely 
reasonable from an engineering and support perspective.  We could 
technically supply 30 kernels in the distro, each one optimized 
for a particular CPU.  It would take an incredible amount of time 
for the kernel builds to finish, and we would be faced with a 
tech support nightmare.

I can totally respect anyone wanting to rebuild the kernel or
some application, or library for the best performance for their
own system.  However, we are producing a general purpose
operating system distribution, and we need to minimize the amount
of per-system customized packages that we ship and support in
order to have engineering and support sanity.  The more we ship
customized for different systems, the more we divide our
engineering and QA resources, as well as other resources.

>So offering a i586 optimized kernel, to all the i586 compatible CPU
>that cannot use the i686 instructuions slow them down, yet there
>are more CPUs that perform bably with that code that there are that
>it helps. A i386 optimized sheduling is faster on most CPUs than
>Pentium optimized code.

So rebuild the kernel customized for your CPU.  What we provide 
in our stock distribution covers the largest number of users, 
with the most popular hardware, and gives reasonable performance 
or better.  Most operating systems come with one kernel period, 
and you use that kernel regardless of what CPU you have.  You 
have no choice whatsoever.  With Linux, you do have a choice.  
You can use one of the kernels that we provide, and offer support 
for that is optimized for your specific CPU type, or you can use 
the kernel which we ship that most closely matches your CPU, or 
you can use the kernel source code, and recompile an unsupported 
kernel, which is optimized for your specific CPU.  There are lots 
of choices.  We just can't possibly support the matrix of 100 
possibilities that can exist out of the box, and so we don't.

I use the i586 kernel on a K6, and a K6-3 machine, and it works 
perfectly fine.  A kernel built specifically for K6 would likely 
perform better in some areas, but I seriously doubt there is any 
majorly noticeable difference.  Most people do not ever actually 
benchmark things to see the real differences, and just hold to 
the placebo effect of bigger number == better.  IMHO, if someone 
really cares that deeply to have a kernel optimized for their 
particular CPU, model, make, and stepping, the source code is 
available for free....  go nuts.

>keep changing the CPU selection form Pentium to K6, in the i586
>kernel config file an rebuilding the kernel on my Athlon where
>it build reasonably fast.

That's fine.  If you believe you get performance gains, by all 
means rebuild the kernel if it makes a noticeable differnence and 
you do not require official Red Hat support.  Keep the provided 
kernel around, for if you experience a problem and can duplicate 
it on an official kernel and you're good to go.  Just don't 
expect to see a k6 built kernel on the CDROM set soon.  ;o)

An athlon glibc would be nice to test.  Not sure if it would 
provide noticeable difference or not as I'm not sure if gcc 
takes advantage of anything new in the athlon instruction set or 
not.  Athlon optimized string operations would be nice, but I 
don't think gcc takes advantage of anything that useful on athlon 
yet.  It'd be very cool though to have if one of the compiler 
guys could provide info about gcc's athlon optimizations, and if 
someone would implement useful tidbits if it hasn't been done 

If anyone experiments with a glibc rebuild, be sure to do some 
before and after benchmarking with useful tests and post back to 
the list.

I'd give it a crack myself, but I don't have an Athlon handy to 
muck around with.  ;o/

Take care,

Mike A. Harris
OS Systems Engineer
XFree86 maintainer
Red Hat Inc.

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